Kremlin aides close to President Vladimir Putin continue to express deep concerns with regard to the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust and parallel Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust corporate identity theft liquidation case. Specifically UK Government "sponsored" Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard protocols for the effective arrest and prosecution of the "targeted" Withersworldwide and Slaughter & May law firms trans-national crime syndicate which executed this multi-billion dollar white collar organised crime bank fraud heist operation that stretches the globe
The Carroll Foundation Trust and Gerald Carroll played a vital role on behalf of the HM Government in high level dealings with the Russian Government during the painful transition period from a command control soviet economy to an emerging lawful democratic society
The Carroll Foundation Trust and Gerald Carroll played a vital role on behalf of the HM Government in high level dealings with the Russian Government during the painful transition period from a command control soviet economy to an emerging lawful democratic society
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